Note to self:
It’s been 6 weeks since I have birth to baby girl.
I don’t even know what a normal sleep pattern is like anymore after having two children pretty much back to back.
I no longer have control of my boobs. They definitely belong to my demanding 6 week old.
I am BEYOND past due for a Brunch day with some girl talk.
I am OVER due for a pedicure with a good foot rub.
I am due for some retail therapy. Maternity clothing took over my closet this last pregnancy due to the weight I gained which was about 35 lbs. I can only wear my leggings since I can’t fit into any of my old jeans (well at least not yet).
In order to get some quality time to myself I’m happy if I get a bathroom break.
I no longer eat for one. Anytime I am seen with some food or a drink my 5 year old and 19 month old must chime in. They feel ENTITLED to my food/drink (s). It’s annoying at times. I wouldn’t change it for nothing but I have my moments I just want to crawl into a corner for about a hour to recoup.
I am one step closer to regaining my bed back from my 19 month old. He is in the transitioning stage so that’s a plus. I am waiting for the day I can roll around my bed and not feel a little human next to me. I will have to celebrate this day with a glass of wine (Cabernet or Merlot).
I can’t wait for the day to enjoy one or both of my preferred wines (Cabernet or Merlot) with no limits. I breastfed my 19 month old until he as 12 months old and now I’m breastfeeding my 1 1/2 month old until she turns 12 months as well. I will jump for joy once I hit my goal.
I get ANNOYED easily when people make weird faces when they see me walking with my three children like they never seen a woman with multiple children before. Or is it the fact or the thought of me handling them by myself while in public. Not sure but it’s not nice.
I can’t wait until baby girl is use to drinking breast milk from a bottle because I’m on a time constraint with leaving the house without her.