
Education is key

I remember growing up my parents stressed the importance of education. They made sure that me and my sister knew that if we did good in school than the rewards would be endless. They also stressed that if we did bad in school than there would be no rewards.
My sister was the straight A student. Me, on the other hand, I would get Bs, Cs, Ds and sometimes even Fs. For some reason, I had my own agenda. I had a problem with talking to my peers more than I should have and not completing my homework. I guess you could say I was more of the rebellious one. Not sure why?
Becoming a parent makes you think about education completely different if you didn’t. It gives you more of a understanding coming from the teachers end and the parent (you). As a parent, you see first hand what your child is learning and how they are taking in all the information they are being taught. On the teachers end you are seeing how he/she deals with the children and her tools to teach them while they are in he/she presence.
Some parents fail their children because they don’t take the time out to help them with homework or reading. They leave it up to the child to get it all done. I understand some parents work full-time to provide for their family but I believe that you should make an effort to show your child that you care about their education. As for me, I buy numerous handbooks, writing pads, flash cards and dry erase boards to work with my children on. Education is not meant to be boring it can definitely be fun if you want it to be. We are in a time now where technology is taking over. Which is why I started utilizing a learning tool that is challenging both of my children.
My daughter will start kindergarten towards the end of summer and I want her more than ready on the first day. My son will be two in the summer and as of right now he is talking more and learning everything from his sister. Little ones that have older siblings they mimic and do everything they see. I stress the importance of setting an example for her brother and be sure she not showing him bad habits. Learning is one habit that they do together and I plan to keep it that way.
Mommies comment below with learning routines that you currently use at home for your little ones.

Children & Chores


Are your children too young for that?

Well think about it. If you tell your children to go grab something for you then they are following directions. Following directions is key to making it work.

I remember back when I was young my mother would wake me and my sister at the crack of damn to clean on the weekends. It had to be about 6 am on a Saturday morning. I remember thinking is this woman serious right now and I don’t have school. Sometimes she wouldn’t physically wake us up it would be the noise from the loud music blasting from the living room.

Cleaning on the weekends were different from cleaning during the week. Weekends meant deep cleaning. we had to clean baseboards, cabinets and rearrange cabinets and many other things if they were out of place. The baseboards in particular had to be shining. We had a two-level apartment so we had to start on top and go to the bottom level.

We had to clean our room, the living room, kitchen and bathroom. Thinking back on it, it wasn’t much at all but it took us about a good 4-5 hours to clean the house back then. My mother was a stickler for a clean home. I guess that’s where I get my OCD characteristics from.

It seemed like torture back then, but now that my children are growing up I feel it’s good to teach them the importance of cleaning early. My daughter, 5 and son, 1 1/2 both are learning what it means to clean up after themselves and to help mommy when she needs it. Below, I will go into detail with 5 chores that your children can do around the house.

5 Chores for your Children to do:

  1. Sweep the floors (living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom if no carpet). be sure to have a broom that’s not too heavy so your children can sweep with no issue and handle it while using the dust pan.
  2. Mop the floors (living room, dining room,kitchen, bathroom). Use a regular mop head or Swiffer. The Swiffer may actually be easier for children to maneuver.
  3. Wipe counter-tops/sinks/tables. Since this is young children cleaning and we don’t want them spraying chemicals in their eyes, it’s best to get disinfectant wipes.
  4. Wash dishes (cups, bowls, plates). Tip: keep it simple so they don’t get hurt.
  5. Cleaning their room. They should be a EXPERT in cleaning their room. My daughter struggles with her room because she acts like she don’t know where things go. I’m working with her to minimize areas to place toys because I usually end up finishing her room which will change soon.


All of these chores are quick & easy. Children watch our routines and mimic us, so why not put them to work. It’s all FUN!!

Have you been considering putting your children to work with chores? If so, let us know which chores. We want to hear your stories.

A Mother’s Note

Note to self:
It’s been 6 weeks since I have birth to baby girl.
I don’t even know what a normal sleep pattern is like anymore after having two children pretty much back to back.
I no longer have control of my boobs. They definitely belong to my demanding 6 week old.
I am BEYOND past due for a Brunch day with some girl talk.
I am OVER due for a pedicure with a good foot rub.
I am due for some retail therapy. Maternity clothing took over my closet this last pregnancy due to the weight I gained which was about 35 lbs. I can only wear my leggings since I can’t fit into any of my old jeans (well at least not yet).
In order to get some quality time to myself I’m happy if I get a bathroom break.
I no longer eat for one. Anytime I am seen with some food or a drink my 5 year old and 19 month old must chime in. They feel ENTITLED to my food/drink (s). It’s annoying at times. I wouldn’t change it for nothing but I have my moments I just want to crawl into a corner for about a hour to recoup.
I am one step closer to regaining my bed back from my 19 month old. He is in the transitioning stage so that’s a plus. I am waiting for the day I can roll around my bed and not feel a little human next to me. I will have to celebrate this day with a glass of wine (Cabernet or Merlot).
I can’t wait for the day to enjoy one or both of my preferred wines (Cabernet or Merlot) with no limits. I breastfed my 19 month old until he as 12 months old and now I’m breastfeeding my 1 1/2 month old until she turns 12 months as well. I will jump for joy once I hit my goal.
I get ANNOYED easily when people make weird faces when they see me walking with my three children like they never seen a woman with multiple children before. Or is it the fact or the thought of me handling them by myself while in public. Not sure but it’s not nice.
I can’t wait until baby girl is use to drinking breast milk from a bottle because I’m on a time constraint with leaving the house without her.

Baby Shopping. How exciting?

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Baby Shopping..

Baby Shopping..

Sounds fun, right?

Finding out you’re pregnant is the news most women hope and wish for at some point in their lives. After getting this news all type of emotions seems to run through your head. You start to wonder is this really happening, are you ready and you start thinking about all the things you need to buy.As for me, I found out I was expecting my THIRD child was on April 26, 2017 after experiencing symptoms such as: fatigue, loss of energy and loss of appetite. I had these symptoms for three days before I went to the emergency room because I thought it was just something that would go away in a couple of days. Boy was I wrong? Yes finding out that was my pregnancy test was positive was a complete shock at that moment. I broke down crying because to be honest I had things I had set out to accomplish that had to be put on hold finding out this news.After a few talks with God and myself I put on my big girl panties and reminded myself that everything happens for a reason. Being that my oldest is a girl I had nothing to refurbish. My second child is a boy so I only had a couple things that could be used for my third pregnancy.Shopping for new things for a baby is exciting!! Expensive but exciting!!Starting a baby registry is hectic and long but necessary. I created a registry based on a list of recommended items from retailers for baby. Which means money, money, money. Most of those items are necessary and extra if you ask me but who am I to say so. Having knowledge in what I feel is important for a baby to have the first six month is how I added items to my baby registry. I registered at Amazon & Target.Being that my baby girl is 5 weeks old and we have spent most of our time home I want to share some of our most haves.This is for mommies that are expecting a baby, just had a baby or you know someone pregnant.

18 Must-have items for baby (excluding car seat, stroller, diapers and wipes)
I’m sure most of you all are thinking since I have three children that I have this down pat. Well let me tell you I don’t. I am not a expert by far but I will say I know what works for me.
To those mommies that are reading I’m sure we can agree on some if not majority of these items. If you are expecting or know someone please be sure to share this post with them to gain some insight on recommended items for baby to prevent overspending.
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Mom don’t feel guilty

 My grandmother who was born in the 1940s said us mother’s today have it easy. When you think about all the things we have access to we definitely do. Things pertaining to medical care and necessities for mother and baby. Another thing, my grandmother mentioned is that us mothers in today’s society consume our time with our children instead of balancing out time for self.

I am guilty of this.

I put my children’s needs before mine.

Everything I do I rarely put time in my calendar to do for myself.

Mother’s this must STOP.


So just as easy as we set a reminder about something for our children (ex: doctors appointments, soccer or cheerleading practice) on our calendars instead we must start doing the same thing for ourselves. Don’t feel guilty for setting a reminder for brunch to have some girl talk.

Brunch is one of my favorite things to do here in Atlanta when meeting with friends. We have so many restaurants to choose from but that’s another topic. I love food! As women and mother’s we must understand that we had a life before children and that must continue. Now I’m not saying everyday you should be partying or hanging out but I think 3-4 times out the month is standard for a mother to hang out by herself or with friends.A few things you could do for yourself and not feel guilty :

  1. use the restroom in peace
  2. get the last of the ice cream and watch your favorite television show/movie on the couch with your comfy blanket
  3. take a nap or go to bed with no interruptions
  4. schedule that deep tissue massage that you been wanting to do for months
  5. do some retail therapy and manage not to pick up anything for the children

Moms all of these options are doable. I know for me it’s hard to step outside of my routine. It’s like when I do I feel discombobulated because I am so use to going from a to b to c with no distractions. Sometimes we have to step out of our routine and live a little.

I hope you take some of my recommendations and don’t feel guilty the next time you make time for yourself.

So next time your friends take you up on a night on the town don’t turn them down. Remember exactly what I’m saying in this post. Don’t feel guilty as your children grow older they will learn to understand.

How It Feels To Be A Mom of Three Children

“How it feels to be a mom of three children”. My exact words today as I think back seven years before I had any children. Are you wondering what it feels like to be a mom of three children? Keep reading and I will give you the scoop on my life and how I feel.
Three is a crowd….I remember saying I didn’t want any children. Well my reality now is “How it feels to be a mom of three children”.
I was often told I was too mean to have children. Not sure what that had to do with conceiving children but…
I remember saying I didn’t want any children.
As I turned 21 there were no children yet.
I didn’t have my first child until I was 27 and at that time I was always asked “how many children you got?”. It seemed like I was behind because of other’s responses.
I was 27 years old at the time I conceived my first born. 30 years old with my second born and 31 years old with my third born.
Before having children, I never quite understood people when they use to say “she fertile”. Referring to other women with multiple children. Now that I’m older I understand that term goes for women that have no issues with conceiving children planned or unplanned.
How it feels to be a mom of three children
When I had my first child the flexibility to maneuver around was really easy, especially once she started walking. Once my second child came into the mix it wasn’t as easy but it wasn’t hard either. It was almost perfect!! She knew how to talk, walk and was and still is a big helper in the house. Having the extra help with a newborn was great. While outdoors she would walk and I had a stroller for the baby. When my second child learned how to walk the use of a stroller became slim. I still use it now but only if he is sleepy or acting up out in public.
Now finding out in April of 2017 that I would be expecting my third child I was caught by surprise. After many nights of wondering how she would fit into the picture with my other two children the thoughts remained unanswered. The thoughts started coming in about ” How it feels to be a mom of three children”. I could only wonder and see once she arrived. When she arrived on December 4th we were more than excited but most importantly blessed. Her sister and brother welcomed her with loving arms. My oldest is very gentle with her but my son is very aggressive so his interaction with her right now is at a minimum. He gives her kisses but touching is a no no.
It’s been four weeks since giving birth to my third child and I’m not going to lie it took me awhile to get the courage to take all three children with me to run errands. I had thoughts of someone acting up, another crying and me just breaking down because it’s so much going on. I have learned in such a short time that we as parents are in control. Children will try to get over on you but you must let them know that mommy and/or daddy are the boss. Any parent with multiple children will agree with me that snacks and drinks are every mother’s best friend while on the run.
The feeling I get when out with my three children is Super Woman. Now my thoughts of “How it feels to be a mom of three children” don’t run across my mind as often because it’s my reality now.
I feel like I can conquer anything coming my way.
I hear I sometimes make it look too easy. People get that assumption because I have well-mannered children. I don’t play with children and my children know that so discipline is a big one in my household.
I have learned there is no such thing as a schedule with multiple children. Everyone is on their own schedule so I make adjustments accordingly. It’s not a big issue for me unless someone has a time commitment or appointment.
I love seeing my children interact. It is my greatest reward to know that I birthed them all. I now wonder what made those thoughts of “How it feels to be a mom of three children” come across my mind. As I ponder for a answer the only thing I can think is I am human. It’s okay.
I wouldn’t change anything in my life right now. My life is not perfect but waking up and watching my children grow it makes me smile and let’s me know that I’m doing my job as a Fearless Mommy.
Moms if you can relate please leave a comment below!
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