Vow to Celibacy – The Fearless Mommy

In today’s article I will talk about my vow to celibacy. Have you read “Becoming Celibate after Being Sexually Active“? If not, read by clicking above.

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What Now

Committing to celibacy requires a vow. The vow states what’s the purpose and how you plan to stay the course. When I say refrain from intimacy I mean that I will not have physical intimacy at all. I know some might think how could a millennial mother do such a thing. Well, I am going to share a few reasons why.

Why Celibacy

Reason #1

To grow my spiritual relationship with God – I will admittedly say I had grown away from God. I always had good intentions to grow my relationship with God but I grew away from the unknown. I am getting back into the word and will commit to my daily lessons.

Raising three children it’s a must that I show them God is the creator and provider of everything. Since joining our church my oldest is learning more about God and what he has done for us. It make me proud that she enjoys learning about God.

Reason #2

To understand and know that my body is a temple – I have grown to understand that having physical intimacy with the other sex depending on the agreement of the relationship can lead to short term commitments and some times long term commitments. In most cases short term commitments mean becoming friends with benefits which usually ends up with no commitment at all.

When most women engage in relationships of this sort they tend to feel used and lead on. Or in most cases in a long term commitment the level of intimacy is a deal breaker. For example, if a man and woman started off having physical intimacy and one day either party wanted to switch that up and practice celibacy it could lead to a break up.

Reason #3

To practice self-love and self-care at a new level – Most would look at me and assume I’ve always had high self-esteem when in doubt at times I questioned it.

I was picked on in high school and thinking back on it now I never talked to anyone about it because I didn’t see it as a issue. I got picked on because of my big feet (I believe I wore a 9-10 in high school) and being skinny. Fast forward to today I on a high because I am a woman that thinks and speaks highly of herself. I am still skinny but I have embraced my physique without caring what anyone thinks or says. Now speaking on self-care I have learned to just take care of myself at all cost. In order to take care of my children my health is just as important.

My Vow to Celibacy

I bet you are wondering why make a vow to celibacy? While going through this phase in my life I have managed to vow to myself that I will not engage in any physical intimacy. I promise not to engage any activities that could lead to breaking this vow. Not saying that I can’t date but knowing that I don’t have to engage in anything that will trigger involvement that I know will break my vow. I will acknowledge and say I am happily dating and the difference is I am dating with a purpose in mind. The purpose is to meet a like-minded man that has a relationship with God, respects my decision to vow to celibacy until marriage, have similar goals and wants to build a family.

Activities That Could Lead to Breaking My Vow

  • Sleeping in the same bed
  • Staying in the same apartment/house
  • Drinking too much

Those are a few that I can think of right off the top of my head. I am sure there are more but I am sure you all grasp the concept. Do not put yourself in situations that can trigger your weakness and allow your flesh to give in.

Promise Ring

When I decided I was going through with the whole celibacy thing I told my close friends that I was buying myself a promise ring. All of my friends that I told were happy and encouraged my decision to want more. I made sure to explain my vow to celibacy. The promise ring symbolizes the vow I made to myself and serves as a reminder that this ring will stay on my ring finger until it is replaced. The promise ring will remain on my ring finger until it is replaced with an engagement ring and than my wedding ring. Most may not understand this concept but coming from a woman that knows her worth and what she can bring to the table any man that I come into contact with will have to understand my logic for doing this.


I am writing to the moms/women who are struggling to find love. The women who know their worth and will not settle for anything less than the best. In practicing celibacy you will learn that you are sacrificing a lot but knowing that the results will be even greater will bring joy and ease to your life.

Moms & Women if you are practicing celibacy and are looking to make a vow to yourself let’s talk. Leave a comment below!

If you are a mom or a woman looking into celibacy purchase and read this book today!!

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8 thoughts on “Vow to Celibacy – The Fearless Mommy”

  1. You go girl! I applaud you! I firmly believe there needs to be a strong bond between two people before they get physically intimate. “Good things come to those who wait.” I too waited until marriage and it was well worth it.

    1. Thank you so much!! I think sometimes we get caught up in trying to please others and worry about what they may say about our decision to wait.

  2. I applaud you and your goal. Not many people nowadays can make a commitment like this and stick to it. I hope you find the one God has picked out for you and you continue to grow in His love until then. Good luck! 😊

    1. Thank you so much for reading this article! This has been the most rewarding part of loving myself.

    1. Thank you so much for reading this article! Love starts with self love because you can’t love someone else when you don’t love yourself.

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