Breastfeeding Month: Guest Post #2

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We hope you all enjoyed our first guest post on breastfeeding. Here I will be introducing our second guest post of the month.

Haylee Galloway is a mom on a mission to combat overwhelm & burnout in the lives of working moms. She knows from experience how stress can impact both our physical & mental health, & lead to a feeling of despair. She created Maybe Sometime Mom to help working mothers manage their mommy mayhem & regain perspective about what it means to be successful.
Have you seen the latest post on Maybe Sometime Mom?


I Never Imagined I Would Be Breastfeeding A Toddler


Before I became a mom, I really didn’t give breastfeeding a thought. I could not comprehend why there was such a debate over it, both amongst moms and within our media. Once I became pregnant, however, things changed quickly and suddenly breastfeeding mattered!


The main reason I chose to breastfeed was for convenience and the high cost of formula. It made sense to me, having lived on a farm, that breastfeeding would be the clear choice.


But Oh My Goodness…The Pain!


I never expected it to hurt, but a few days after we arrived home, I took my daughter to town in search of a nipple shield to save myself from pure torture. It made a huge difference and I was able to continue breastfeeding her throughout my maternity leave.


Four months later, we had a problem. I had created a monster!!!!


It was time for me to go back to work, and the daycare called to let me know that she would not take a bottle. I had to nurse her in the car before I dropped her off, drive over on my lunch break, and then nurse her in the car again when I picked her up!


Since she had been nursing more often than that, and I wasn’t willing to give up on the daycare being able to bottle-feed her, I pumped at work daily.


In the file room.
My only other option was the bathroom, and that would just be weird.


Since there wasn’t an electric outlet in the file room, I went through a TON of batteries in the first few months before investing in an extension cord.


The ladies at daycare were great and eventually convinced my daughter to sip milk from a spoon. And they fed her that way until she was old enough to start eating solids!


When she turned a year old, I tried to wean her, but she was not in agreement. I did stop pumping at that time because it was so much trouble.


Her second birthday came around, and though she was only nursing to sleep and for comfort, she still wasn’t ready to wean.


Since I felt such a connection to her during our nursing sessions after being at work all day, I let it continue.


Her third birthday passed this last December, and no amount of convincing will get her to give up her “nursie mommies.” So I can proudly say I am still nursing my daughter after a little over three years.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Haylee!

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