The Fearless Mommy

How It Feels To Be A Mom of Three Children

How it feels to be a mom of three children
“How it feels to be a mom of three children”. My exact words today as I think back seven years before I had any children. Are you wondering what it feels like to be a mom of three children? Keep reading and I will give you the scoop on my life and how I feel.
Three is a crowd….I remember saying I didn’t want any children. Well my reality now is “How it feels to be a mom of three children”.
I was often told I was too mean to have children. Not sure what that had to do with conceiving children but…
I remember saying I didn’t want any children.
As I turned 21 there were no children yet.
I didn’t have my first child until I was 27 and at that time I was always asked “how many children you got?”. It seemed like I was behind because of other’s responses.
I was 27 years old at the time I conceived my first born. 30 years old with my second born and 31 years old with my third born.
Before having children, I never quite understood people when they use to say “she fertile”. Referring to other women with multiple children. Now that I’m older I understand that term goes for women that have no issues with conceiving children planned or unplanned.
How it feels to be a mom of three children
When I had my first child the flexibility to maneuver around was really easy, especially once she started walking. Once my second child came into the mix it wasn’t as easy but it wasn’t hard either. It was almost perfect!! She knew how to talk, walk and was and still is a big helper in the house. Having the extra help with a newborn was great. While outdoors she would walk and I had a stroller for the baby. When my second child learned how to walk the use of a stroller became slim. I still use it now but only if he is sleepy or acting up out in public.
Now finding out in April of 2017 that I would be expecting my third child I was caught by surprise. After many nights of wondering how she would fit into the picture with my other two children the thoughts remained unanswered. The thoughts started coming in about ” How it feels to be a mom of three children”. I could only wonder and see once she arrived. When she arrived on December 4th we were more than excited but most importantly blessed. Her sister and brother welcomed her with loving arms. My oldest is very gentle with her but my son is very aggressive so his interaction with her right now is at a minimum. He gives her kisses but touching is a no no.
It’s been four weeks since giving birth to my third child and I’m not going to lie it took me awhile to get the courage to take all three children with me to run errands. I had thoughts of someone acting up, another crying and me just breaking down because it’s so much going on. I have learned in such a short time that we as parents are in control. Children will try to get over on you but you must let them know that mommy and/or daddy are the boss. Any parent with multiple children will agree with me that snacks and drinks are every mother’s best friend while on the run.
The feeling I get when out with my three children is Super Woman. Now my thoughts of “How it feels to be a mom of three children” don’t run across my mind as often because it’s my reality now.
I feel like I can conquer anything coming my way.
I hear I sometimes make it look too easy. People get that assumption because I have well-mannered children. I don’t play with children and my children know that so discipline is a big one in my household.
I have learned there is no such thing as a schedule with multiple children. Everyone is on their own schedule so I make adjustments accordingly. It’s not a big issue for me unless someone has a time commitment or appointment.
I love seeing my children interact. It is my greatest reward to know that I birthed them all. I now wonder what made those thoughts of “How it feels to be a mom of three children” come across my mind. As I ponder for a answer the only thing I can think is I am human. It’s okay.
I wouldn’t change anything in my life right now. My life is not perfect but waking up and watching my children grow it makes me smile and let’s me know that I’m doing my job as a Fearless Mommy.
Moms if you can relate please leave a comment below!

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